European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion

Summary of the General Assembly

The General Assembly took place on March 10, 2009, 21:00 at the Hotel Rauriser Hof in Rauris (Salzburg, Österreich) during the Quantsol 2009 winter workshop.

After opening of the General Assembly by the President Prof. Wolfram Jägermann, a short recap of the last General Assembly was given, but it was decided not to read the protocoll of the last assembly.

Afterwards, a review over the activities in the past year was given by Wolfram Jägermann:

  • In March 2008 a very successful 20th (aniversary) Workshop on Quantum Solar Energy Conversion "QUANTSOL 2008" was held in Bad Gastein, Austria. The workshop with about 50 participants was organized by Wolfram Jägermann. The on-line proceedings are available on the Quantsol home-page.
  • In September 2008 (14.-21.9.2008) an equally successful Joint European Summerschool - HMI Summerschool was organized by Klaus Lips at the Waldemar Petersen Haus in Hirschegg, Kleines Walsertal, Österreich.
    As Klaus Lips reported, the feedback from the students was overhelming.

The next point on the agenda had been the financial situation of the society, which is healthy. Details of income and expenditure as well as on account balance had been reported by the Secretary General, Christian Königstein.

The good news had been appreciated by the General Assembly, and the executive board was released unanimously without abstentions.

Wolfram Jägermann then announced that he will step down as president and Gion Calzaferri as Vice President. He proposed to elect Daniel Vanmaekelbergh as new President and Klaus Lips as new Vice President. Moreover, Tom Markvart, Jean-Francois Guillemoles and Efrat Lifshitz were new candidates for the executive board.

The new executive board was elected (with two abstentions) comprising the following members :

Daniel Vanmaekelbergh (President),
Klaus Lips (Vice President),
Christian Königstein (Secretary General),
Gion Calzaferri, (member)
Jean-Francois Guillemoles,(member)
Efrat Lufshitz,(member)
Niels-Peter Harder, (member)
Kees Hummelen, (member)
Wolfram Jägermann, (member)
Tom Markvart,(member)
Laurie Peter, (member)
Peter Würfel.


After the elections, the planed future activities were then presented by our newly elected president Daniel Vanmaekelbergh:

  • The 22th Winterworkshop will be organized by Gary Hodes, Silke Christiansen, and Christian Königstein.
  • The next summerschool is planed for september 2009. It will be organized again Klaus Lips together with the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (fomer HMI). The summerschool will take palce as in previous years at the Waldemar Petersenhaus in Hirschegg from spetember 13 untill september 20, 2009. Daniel Vanmaekelbergh, Klaus Schwarzburg and Thomas Hannappel will help Klaus Lips with organizing th esummer school.

The last point on the agenda were the membership fees. A lively discussion took place, however, at the end it was decided to keep the membership fees at 20,- euors for full members and 10,- euros for studend/concession members.
Moreover, it was decided to apply a 50,- euro registration fee for the next Quantsol Winterworkshop.

The session was closed by Daniel Vanmaekelbergh at 22:00 hours.

March 20, 2009
European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion