European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion

Summary of the General Assembly

The General Assembly took place on March 22, 2007, 21:10 at the Hotel Norica in Bad Hofgastein (Salzburg, Österreich) during the Quantsol 2007 winter workshop.
After opening of the General Assembly by the President Prof. Wolfram Jägermann, a short recap of the last General Assembly was given, where it was decided not to organize a full Quantsol conference.

Afterwards, a review over the activities in the past year was given by Wolfram Jägermann:

  • In March 2006 a very successful 18 th Workshop on Quantum Solar Energy Conversion "QUANTSOL 2006" was held in Rauris, Austria. The workshop with about 40 participants was organized by Klaus Lips. The on-line proceedings are available on the Quantsol home-page.
  • In September 2006 (21.-26.9.2006) an equally successful Summer school was organized by Peter Würfel, Daniel Vanmaekelbergh. Despite the short announcement, 40 students participated at the summer school. Financial support could be organized by Kees Hummelen. Further lecturers had been Niels-Peter Harder,Gion Calzaferri, and Laurie Peter.

The next point on the agenda had been the financial situation of the society, which is healthy. Details of income and expenditure as well as on account balance had been reported by the Secretary General, Christian Königstein.

The good news had been appreciated by the General Assembly, and the executive board was released unanimously without abstentions.

As Wolfram Jägermann reported, Hubert Cachet, our treasurer, is resigning from the executive board. In order to fill the vacancy in the executive board, Kees Hummelen and Klaus Lips were elected (with two abstentions) new members of the executive board.

The Executive board now comprises the following members:
Wolfram Jägermann (President),
Gion Calzaferri (Vice President),
Christian Königstein (Secretary General),
Christoph Domain,
Niels-Peter Harder,
Kees Hummelen,
Klaus Lips,
Laurie Peter,
Serdar Sariciftci,
Daniel Vanmaekelbergh, and
Peter Würfel.

The planed future activities were then presented by Wolfram Jägermann:

  • The 20th Winterworkshop will be organized by Wolfram Jägermann. This anniversary workshop is planed to take place in Nassfeld (Kärnten) where everything started in 1988. Further organizers will be Gion Calzaferri, Laurie Peter and Christian Königstein.
  • The next summerschool is planed for autumn 2008. It will be organized by Gion Calzaferri with help from Klaus Lips and Laurie Peter.
  • The last activity planed so far for 2008 is to organize again a student prize for the best PhD thesis that had been submitted in 2005, 2006 or 2007. The prize will include a travel allowance of Ä 500,- and free accommodation at the Quantsol 2008 winter workshop. The prize winner will have to give a presentation at this workshop. Deadline for submission will be 31.10.2007. The refereeing committee will be Gion Calzaferri, Christian Königstein, Laurie Peter, Ingo Riedel and Daniel Vanmaekelbergh. A detailed invitation for applications will be sent out soon.

The session was closed by Wolfram Jägermann at 21:55 hours.

March 23, 2007
European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion