After opening of the General Assembly by Prof. Tjeerd Schaafsma, a short review
over the activities in the past year was given by Christian Königstein. In March
1999 a very successful 11 th Workshop on Quantum Solar Energy Conversion
"QUANTSOL '99" was held in Wildhaus, Switzerland. The Workshop with about 35
participants was organized by Jens Gobrecht. The on-line
proceedings are available on this home-page. Afterwards, a short overview over
future activities was given:
The 2nd European Summer school on Solar Energy is planed to be organized
by Mary Archer in the U.K. in 2001.
The 13th Winterworkshop will be organized by Prof. Serdar Sariciftci (Uni Linz).
It was agreed (by majority vote) that the organizers of the workshop can decide
wether or not a participation fee will be imposed, provided that a higher fee will have
to be paid by non-members.
After the activities overview, Christian Königstein (who replaced Hubert
Cachet) presented the financial situation which is still healthy. Then, according to our
statutes, the present Executive Board was released.
The next point on the agenda was to fix the annual membership fee. It was
agreed (by majority vote) to fix the membership fees for full members to 20,- Euros
and the reduced membership fee (for students etc.) has been fixed to 10,- Euros.
Furthermore, it was agreed that members who are not able to pay their membership
fess can apply for exemption. The decision will then be taken by the President of the
The session was closed by Tjeerd Schaafsma at 22:00 hours.