European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion


Upcomming Events
Quantsol summer school 2024 - International Quantsol Summer School on Photovoltaics and New Concepts of Quantum Solar Energy Conversion
will take place September 1-8, 2024
Deadline for applications is May 31, 2024

The 35th Workshop on Quantum Solar Energy Conversion - QUANTSOL 2025
will take place in Rauris (Salzburg, Austria), March 23-29, 2025.
Recent Events
The Quantsol Winterworkshop 2024 took place in Rauris, March 17-23, 2024
Contributions of the Quantsol Winterworkshop 2024
Pictures of the Quantsol 2024 Workshop

Quantsol winter school on Analytics for Photovoltaics and Photoelectrochemistry
took place for January 9-14, 2024 in Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Österreich

Contributions of the Quantsol Winterworkshop 2023
Pictures of the Quantsol 2023 Workshop

Contributions of the Quantsol Winterworkshop 2022
Pictures of the Quantsol 2022 Workshop
Special Issue in Chimia
On the occasion of the 20th aniversary of the Quantsol Winterworkshop a Special Issue on "Transformation and Storage of Solar Energy" has been published in CHIMIA - International Journal for Chemistry.
List of articles
Nanostructured and Photoelectrochemical Systems for Solar Photon Conversion
A new volume in the series on Photoconversion of Solar Energy, edited by Mary Archer and Arthur Nozik, has just been published.
For more information see the flyer
QUANTSOL Student Prize 2008

Last updated - 17. May 2024
European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion