European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion

Summary of the General Assembly

The General Assembly took place on March 25, 2015, 21:00 at the Hotel Rauriser Hof in Rauris (Salzburg, Österreich) during the Quantsol 2015 winter workshop.

After opening of the General Assembly by the President of the Society, Prof. Daniel Vanmaekelbergh, a short recap of the last General Assembly was given, but it was decided not to read the protocoll of the last assembly. He gave a short overview of the societies activities during the past two years.

Afterwards, Vice President Prof. Klaus Lips gave a short presentation of the Quantsol 2014 summer school that was organized together with the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin at the Waldemar Petersen Haus in Hirschegg, Kleines Walsertal, Österreich.

The next point on the agenda had been the financial situation of the society, which is healthy. Details of income and expenditure as well as on account balance had been reported by the Secretary General, Christian Königstein.

The good news had been appreciated by the General Assembly, and the executive board was released unanimously without abstentions.
In the light of the healthy financial situation, the general assembly decided by mayority vote (2 abstentions, no objections) to subsidize the Quantsol 2015 summer school.

The next point on the agenda was the re-election of existing members of the executive board and the election of new members of the executive board.
The members re-elected/elected are:

PresidentDaniel Vanmaekelbergh
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Vice - PresidentKlaus Lips
Berlin, Germany
Secretary GeneralChristian Königsten
Den Haag, The Netherlands
MemberDavid Cahen
MemberMischa Bonn
MemberGion Calzaferri
Bern, Switzerland
MemberTom Gregorkiwiecz
Amsterdam, Netherlands
MemberJean Francois Guillemoles
Paris, France
MemberElizabth von Hauff
Amsterdam, Netherlands
MemberEfrat Lifshitz
Haifa, Isreal
MemberNiels Peter Harder
Herzogenrath, Germany
MemberKees Hummelen
Grooningen, The Netherlands
MemberWolfram Jägermann
Darmstadt, Germany
MemberTom Markvart
Southampton, UK
MemberLaurie Peter
Bath, UK
MemberLaurens Siebeles
Delft, Netherlands
MemberEkatarina Skorb
Berlin, Germany
MemberEva Unger
MemberPeter Würfel
Karlsruhe, Germany

After the election of the board members, the planed future activities were then presented by our newly elected president Daniel Vanmaekelbergh:

  • The 28th Winterworkshop will be organized by David Cahen, Elizabeth von Hauff, Serdar Sariciftci, and Christian Königstein. As to the time and location a short discussion took place. Due to the early easter holiday next year, it was concluded that it will be very difficult to find a date that does not interfere with other events. The first week of March and the third week of March were finally determined as those weeks, which have the least potential of collision with other conferences. It was left with the organizers to find a place and time-slot with the constraints outlined before.
  • The next summerschool for students is planed for September 6-13, 2015. It will be organized again Klaus Lips together with the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin. The summerschool will take palce as in previous years at the Waldemar Petersenhaus in Hirschegg. The deadline for applications is May 31,2015 - no exceptions.
    Further information can be found on the home-page of the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin.

The session was closed by the President at 22:00 hours.

March 29, 2015
European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion