European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion

Research Institutes working on Solar Energy Conversion

[Austria] [Belarus Republic] [Belgium] [Czech Republic] [Denmark] [Estonia] [France] [Finnland] [Germany] [Greece] [Hungary] [Irland] [Israel] [Italy] [Luxemburg] [Norway] [Portugal] [Russia] [Spain] [Sweden] [Switzerland] [The Netherlands] [United Kingdom]
[Australia] [China] [Egypt] [Japan] [New Zealand] [USA]



  1. Arbeitsgruppe Photochemie - Institut für Physikalische Chemie
    Technische Universität Wien
    Getreidemarkt 9/156, A - 1060 Wien, Austria
    Group Leader: Prof. Dr. Rupert BAUER
    Tel.: +[43] (1) 58801-5162; Fax: +[43] (1) 5868273
    email: Prof. Dr. Rupert Bauer
    Research Interest: Photochemical Detoxification of Wastewater (Photo-Fenton, TiO2); Chemical Conversion and Storage of Solar Energy; Photochemistry;

  2. Institut für Festkoerperphysik
    Universität Wien
    Dr. Viktor SCHLOSSER

  3. Institut für Physikalische Chemie
    Johannes Kepler University Linz
    A - 4040 Linz, Austria
    Group Leader: Prof.Dr. N. Serdar SARICIFTCI
    Tel.: +[43] (732) 2468 8753
    Fax: +[43] (732) 2468 8770
    Research Interest: Plastic Solar Cells

  4. Institut für Theoretische Chemie und Strahlenchemie
    Universität Wien
    Universitätszentrum Althanstrasse - Geozentrum; Althanstrasse 14, A - 1090 Wien, Austria
    Univ. Doz. Dr. Gottfried KÖHLER
    Tel.: +[43] (1) 31336-1574
    Dr. Gottfried GRABNER
    Tel.: +[43] (1) 31336-1576
    Fax: +[43] (1) 31336-790
    Research interest: Photochemistry, Laserspectroscopy, Time Resolved Emission and Absroption Spectroscopy, Semiconductor Particles, Cyclodextrin Complexes

Belarus Republic

  1. Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry
    Surganova Str. 9, 220072 Minsk, Belarus Republic
    Contact: Prof. Dr. A. I. KULAK
    Fax : +[375] (172) 685703 or +[375] (172) 265567


  1. IMEC

Czech Republic

  1. Dept. of Thin Films
    Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences
    Cukrovarnick† 10, 16200 Prague, Czech Republic
    Contact: Dr. Jan KOCKA
    Tel.: +[42] (2) 8587058
    Fax: +[42] (2) 3123184
    Research Interest: amorphous silicon and solar cells




  1. Catalyse en Chimie Organique, UMR CNRS 6503
    Equipe "Electrocatalyse", Universite de Portiers
    40 Avenue du Recteur Pineau, F - 86022 Poitiers, France
    Contact: Dr. Nicolas ALONSO - VANTE
    Tel.: +[33] (5) 49453625
    Fax: +[33] (5) 49453580

  2. Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie (ADEME)
    500, Route des Lucioles, F - 06560 Sophia Antippolis, France

  3. CEA (Atomic Energy Commission)
    GENEC-C.E. Cadarache, Bat. 351
    F - 13108 St-Paul-Lez-Durance Cedex
    Research interest: Study of Photovoltaic Modules Behaviour under Real Conditions

  4. Centre d'Electronique de Montpellier (laboratoire associe au CNRS URA 391)
    Universite Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc
    Place Eugene Bataillon, F - 34095 Montpellier Cedex 05
    Research interest: Polycrystalline Cu-In-Se2 Thin Films Grown by MOCVD

  5. Centre de Recherche sur l'Hetero-Epitaxie et ses Applications, CRHEA-CNRS
    F - 06560 Sophia Antipolis
    Research interest: High Efficiency GaInP2/Si Tandem Cells Using Epitaxial Lift-off

  6. Groupe de Microelectronique et Visualisation (GMV), URA-CNRS 1648
    Campus de Beaulieu, Universite de Rennes I
    F - 35042 Rennes Cedex
    Research interest: Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition Technique for Thin Film Polycrystalline Solar Cells Fabrication

  7. INP Grenoble et CNRS, EPM - Madylam
    ENSHMG, BP 95, F - 38402 St-Martin-d'Heres
    Research Interest: Continous Pulling of Silicon Billets

  8. Institut Le Bel
    Universite Louis Pasteur
    4, rue Blaise Pascal, F - 67000 Strasbourg, France
    Contact: Prof. Dr. Jean-Marie LEHN

  9. Laboratoire Central des Industries Electriques (LCIE), Service Optique
    33, Avenue de General Leclerc
    F - 92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses
    Tel.: +[33] (1) 40956113
    Fax: +[33] (1) 40956050
    Research interest: Standard Cells and Modules Calibration - Measurement Procedure and Uncertainty Budget

  10. Laboratoire d'Electrochime et de Chimie Analytique, Associe au CNRS
    Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Paris
    11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, F - 75231 Paris Cedex 05
    Tel.: +[33] (1) 43545385
    Fax: +[33] (1) 44276750
    Research interest: Chemical and Electrochemical Methods for Elaboration of Copper Indium Diselenide Thin Film Solar Cells

  11. Laboratoire de Genie Chimique, LGC - CNRS
    Ecole Normale Superieure d'Ingenieurs de Genie Chemique
    18, Chemin de la Loge, F - 31077 Toulouse Cedex
    Research interest: New LPCVD Technology for Elaborating Thin Polycrystalline Silicon Films

  12. Laboratoire de Genie Electrique de Paris - LGEP (URA 127 du CNRS), Group Semi-conducteurs Amorphes en Couche Minces
    Ecole Superieure d'Electricite, Universites Paris VI et XI
    Plateau de Moulon, F - 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex
    Tel.: +[33] (1) 69851644
    Fax: +[33] (1) 69418318
    Research interest: Gap States in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon; Metastability of Materials and Devices;

  13. Laboratoire de Genie des Procedes Plasmas (LGPP)
    ENSCP/UPMC, 11 Rue P. et M. Curie, F - 75005 Paris, France
    Tel.: +[33] (1) 46334283
    Fax: +[33] (1) 43265813
    Research interest: Silicon Purification by Plasma Process

  14. Laboratoire de Photochimie URA CNRS 433
    Universite Blaise Pascal
    F - 63177 Aubiere Cedex, France
    Contact: Dr. Michéle BOLTE
    Research interest: photochemical degradation of organic pollutants; photochemistry of iron and iron complexes

  15. Laboratoire de Photoelectricite des Semi-Conducteurs (LPSC-DSO)
    Faculte des Sciences et Techniques de St.Jerome - Casse 231, Universited'Aix-Marseille III
    F - 13397 Marseille Cedex 20
    Research interest: Characterization and Improvement of Multicrystalline Silicon Wafers

  16. Laboratoire de Physique des Interfaces et des Couches Minces (LPICM)
    Ecole Polytechnique
    F - 91128 Palaiseau
    Tel.: +[33] (1) 694009
    Fax: +[33] (1) 69333006
    Research interest: From a-Si:H Based Materials to Solar Cells - Metastability and Interface Issues

  17. Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiere
    Institut National des Sciences Appliquees (LPM-INSA)
    Bt 502 - 20 Avenue Alber Einstein, F - 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
    Research interest: Materials Quality and Conversion Efficiency Enhancement; GaAs (liquid phase epitaxy); silicon; germanium;

  18. Laboratoire de Physique des Liquides et Electrochimie
    Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
    4, Place Jussieu, Tour 22, F - 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
    Contact: Dr. Hubert CACHET
    Tel.: +[33] (1) 44274153
    Fax: +[33] (1) 44274074
    Research interest: electrodeposition and chemical bath deposition of II-VI semiconductors; electrochemistry of oxide semiconductors;

  19. Laboratoire de Physique des Interfaces et des Couches Minces (LPICM)
    CNRS UPR 258, Ecole Polytechnique
    F - 91128 Palaiseau Cedex
    Tel.: +[33] (1) 69333203
    Fax: +[33] (1) 69333006
    Research interest: Polycrystalline Silicon Films on Glass by Hot-Wire CVD

  20. Laboratoire de Physique des Solides de Bellevue
    1 Place Aristide Briand, F - 92195 Meudon Cedex, France
    Dr. Michael Neumann-Spallart
    Tel.: +[33] (1) 45075544; Fax: +[33] (1) 45075841
    Research interest: electrochemistry of semiconductors: electrodeposition of II-VI semiconductors; electrodeposition of WS2 and MoS2; rechargeable batteries in aqueous media (heavy metal free); Photoelectrochemical treatment of waste water and fresh water;

  21. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique LCMTR
    2-8 rue Henri Dunant, F - 94320 Thiais, France
    Tel.: +[33] (1) 49781331
    Fax: +[33] (1) 49781203
    Dr. Claude Levy-Clement
    email: Claude.Levy-
    Research interest: electrochemistry of semiconductors: (photo)electrochemical etching of silicon; electrochemistry of thin diamond films;
    surface modification of silicon; multicrystalline silicon solar cells

  22. Laboratoire de Physique et Applications des Semiconducteurs (PHASE)
    BP 20, F - 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2
    Research interest: Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells; New Technologies Based on Rapid Thermal Processing; CVD;

  23. Laboratoire de Physique du Solide et Energie Solaire
    C.N.R.S., Parc de Sophia Antipolis
    Rue Bernard Gregory, F - 06560 Valbonne, France
    Contact: Prof. Dr. C. VERIE

  24. Laboratoire de Physico-chimie des Rayonnements CNRS
    Universite Paris-Sud Batiment 350, F - 91405 Orsay, France
    Contact: Dr. Edmond AMOUYAL

  25. NAPS France
    Le Luzard 3, 35 allee du 12-02-34, Noisiel
    F - 77437 Marne la Vallee Cedex 02
    Tel.: +[33] (1) 60373560
    Fax: +[33] (1) 60378411
    Research interest: Manufactoring Process Improvement of a-Si Modules

  26. Photowatt International SA
    33 Rue Saint-Honore, F - 38300 Bourgoin - Jallieu
    Research interest: Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells



  1. Bayerisches Zentrum für Angewandte Energieforschung (Würzburg)

  2. Alternative Energietechniken an der Fachhochschule Rheinland-Pfalz, Abt. Trier

  3. DLR Deutsche Forschungsanstalt f¸r Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.

  4. Elektrotechnisches Institut, Universität Karlsruhe

  5. Energy and Semiconductor Research at the university of Oldenburg
  6. Fachbereich Physik
    Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
    Postfach 2503, Ammerländer Heerstrasse 114-119, D - 26111 Oldenburg, Germany
    Contact: Prof. Dr. Gottfried BAUER
    Tel.: +[49] (441) 7983498
    Fax: +[49] (441) 7983201
    Research interest: amorphous and micro crystalline silicon and solar cells

  7. Forschungsgruppe Solarenergie der Universität Marburg

  8. Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme
    Oltmannstrasse 5, D - 79100 Freiburg, Germany
    Contact: Prof. Dr. Joachim LUTHER
    Tel.: +[49] (761) 4588121
    Fax: +[49] (761) 4588116

  9. Institut für Angewandte Physik
    Universität Karlsruhe
    D - 76128 Karlsruhe
    Group Leader: Prof. Dr. Peter Würfel
    Tel.: +[49] (721) 608-3401; Fax: +[49] (721) 607593
    email: Prof. Dr. Peter Würfel (Group Leader)
    Research Interest: Theory of (silicon) solar cells, luminescence of silicon, quantum yields, efficiency

  10. Institut für Anorganische Chemie
    Universität Erlangen, D-91054 Erlangen, Germany
    Contact: Prof. Dr. Horst KISCH
    Tel.: +[49] (9131) 857363

  11. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
    Institut für Werkstoffe und Verfahren der Energietechnik (IWV-3)
    Postfach 1913, D - 52425 Jülich, Germany
    Contact: Dr. Dieter MEISSNER
    Tel.: +[49] (2461) 614053
    Fax: +[49] (2461) 616695
    Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
    Altenbergerstra·e 69, A - 4040 Linz, Austria
    Tel.: +[43] (732) 2468398
    Fax: +[43] (732) 2468752

  12. Institut für organische Chemie
    Freie Universität Berlin
    Takustrasse 3, D - 14195 Berlin, Germany
    Prof. Dr. Harry KURRECK
    Tel.: +[49] (30) 83826381 or +[49] (30) 8155496
    Fax: +[49] (30) 8384248
    Research interest:
    artificial photosynthesis, electron transfer, porphyrin quinones, time-resolved EPR.
    The primary processes of photosynthesis are currently of greatest interest both in basic research and in the applied field. The development of efficient artificial photosynthetic systems for conversion and storage of solar energy requires a fundamental understanding of the processes that take place in natural photosynthesis. The redox active components of the photosynthetic reaction centers are porphyrins, albeit (reduced) derivatives like (bacterio)chlorophyll, acting as primary donor, and different types of quinone acceptors, e.g., ubiquinone.
    Synthesis and Investigation of the multistep electron transfer routes in porphyrin quinone diads and triads, which mimic the photosynthetic chromophores chain. The light-driven reactions of the model compounds are studied by (time-resolved) optical and, in particular, X band and high-field (95 GHz) EPR spectroscopy. In order to mimic membrane properties of the native systems, measurements are not only performed in isotropic solutions, but in addition in liquid crystals, reversed micelles, and Langmuir-Blodgett films.

  13. Sektion Physik - Arbeitsgruppe Nutzung der Sonnenenrgie
    Leiter: Dr. Wolfgang Spirkl
    Amalienstr.54, D - 80799 München, Germany
    Tel.: +[49] (89) 21803443
    Fax: +[49] (89) 21803441
    email: Wolfgang.Spirkl@Physik.Uni-Muenchen.De).

    Research Interest: Es werden physikalische Grundlagen und Anwendungsgebiete der Nutzung der Sonnenenergie erforscht. Es werden Untersuchungen zu optimaler Prozeßführung, zu neuen Ansätzen in der Photovoltaik, zur Analyse und Reduktion der Gaswärmeleitung in evakuierten Kollektoren durchgeführt. Der Ertrag von Sonnenenergieanlagen wird unter realistischen Betriebs- und Wetterbedingungen ermittelt und optimiert. In verschiedenen Projekten werden nichtabbildende Konzentratoren entwickelt und durch Strahlverfolgung evaluiert. Effiziente solarthermische Solarkraftwerke arbeiten bei hohen Absorbertemperaturen und benötigen daher eine hohe Konzentration der Sonnenstrahlung, d.h. eine hohe Leistungsdichte bezogen auf die Absorberfläche. Es werden Systeme untersucht, in denen die durch einen Primärkonzentrator fokussierte Sonnenstrahlung durch einen Sekundärkonzentrator noch weiter konzentriert wird. Für Rinnenkollektoren und Heliostatenkollektoren werden reflektierende Sekundärkonzentratoren entworfen. Nichtabbildende Optik kann aber auch in unseren Breiten zur Gewinnung von Prozeßwärme eingesetzt werden. Im Verbundprojekt ISOTEG soll der Einsatz von Sekundärkonzentratoren für lineare, nicht nachgeführte Primärspiegel untersucht werden.

  14. Institut für Physikalische Elektronik
    Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 47, D - 7000 Stuttgart, Germany
    Contact: Dr. Hans -Werner SCHOCK

  15. Institut für Solarenergieforschung GmbH
    Dept. of Photoelectrochem. and Mat. Research
    Sokelantstrasse 5, D - 30165 Hannover, Germany
    Contact: Dr. Detlef W. BAHNEMANN
    Tel.: +[49] (511) 3585037
    Fax: +[49] (511) 3585010

  16. International Solar Center Berlin

  17. Hahn-Meitner Institut GmbH
    Glienickerstrasse 100, D - 14109 Berlin, Germany
    Contact: Prof. Dr. Helmut TRIBUTSCH
    Tel.: +[49] (30) 80622274
    Fax : +[49] (30) 80622434

  18. Laboratory for Thin Film Technology (LTFT)
    Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM)
    Unter den Eichen 87, D - 12205 Berlin, Germany
    Research Interest: The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) is a scientific-technological institute under the authority of the Federal Minister of Economics. It promotes the development of industry by carrying out research on materials and by further developing testing techniques. It focuses on the scientific study of functional reliability and degradation mechanisms and production processes in materials technology with the ultimate target to establish codes of practice, standards, and norms as support to industry and in order to provide the basis of future European standards and norms in specific product ranges. The institute collects and makes the results of its own and of others' scientific work available to the public. Due to the continuous expansion of economic areas, it cooperates with other institutions objectives, both national and international.
    The Laboratory for Thin Film Technology (LTFT) at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin, is dedicated to research and development of laser-assisted and electrochemical production and spectroscopic in-situ analysis technologies of thin film layer systems and investigations of their functional reliability properties. Femtosecond and nanosecond pulse laser systems, fast optical signal detections systems, a grazing incidence x-ray spectroscope, a FT-IR-spectroscope for surface analysis, scanning probe microscopy, SEM/EDX, small spot ESCA and Auger micro probe are available. Large area pulsed-laser epitaxial UHV deposition of thin films systems (e.g. doped diamond-like carbon, also solar cell prototypes planned) is the second major activity of LTFT.
    Contact: Dr. Wolfgang KAUTEK
    Tel.: +[49] (30) 81041822
    Fax: +[49] (30) 81041827

  19. Max Planck Institute
    Research Interest: Solar cells, semiconductor interfaces.
    Max Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung
    Heisenbergstr.1, D - 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
    Contact: Dr. Rolf BRENDEL
    Tel.: +[49] (711) 6891617
    Fax: +[49] (711) 6891010

  20. Physikalisches Institut
    Universität Bayreuth
    D - 95440 Bayreuth, Germany
    Contact: Prof. Dr. Jürgen PARISI
    Tel.: +[49] (921) 552605 or +[49] (921) 552601
    Fax: +[49] (921) 552621
    email: parisi@pre.uni-

  21. Solarinstitut Jülich

  22. Surface Science Institute, Department of Material Science
    TU Darmstadt
    Petersenstrasse 23, D - 64287 Darmstadt, Germany
    Contact: Dr. Wolfram JÄGERMANN
    Tel.: +[49] (6151) 616308
    Fax: +[49] (6151) 616304

  23. Technische Universität Berlin

  24. TH Zwickau

  25. The solar energy page of the University of Karlsruhe, Elektrotechnisches Institut

  26. Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung
    Hessbrühlstr. 21 c, D - 70565 Stuttgart, Germany
    Contact: Dr. Herbert DITTRICH
    Tel.: +[49] (711) 7870214
    Fax.: +[49] (711) 7870100




  1. Energy Research Group, University College Dublin


  1. Chemistry & Solid State Institute, Technion
    Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel
    Contact: Dr. Efrat LIFSHITZ
    Tel.: +[972] (4) 293987
    Fax: +[972] (4) 235107
    Research interest: microwave modulated photoluminescence, thermally modulated photoluminescence, and optically detected magnetic resonance of layered semiconductors

  2. Weizmann Institute, Israel
    Dept. of Materials Interfaces
    Weizmann Institute of Science, 76101 Rehovot, Israel
    Contact: Dr. Gary HODES
    Tel.: +[972] (8) 342076 (?)
    Fax: +[972] (8) 344137 (?)
    Research interest: photoelctrochemistry; II-VI semiconductors; nanocrystalline semiconductors;


  1. Dip. di Chimica G. Ciamician
    Universita di Bologna
    Via Selmi, 2, I - 40126 Bologna, Italy
    Contact: Prof. Dr. Vincenzo BALZANI





  1. Institute of Chemical Physics
    Russian Academy of Sciences
    Kosygin st.4, 117977 Moscow B-334, Russia
    Contact: Dr. Alexander I. KOKORIN
    Tel.: +[7] (095) 137-6130
    Fax: +[7] (095) 938-2156

  2. Inst. of Phys.-Chem. Biology
    Moscow State University
    Building A, Lenin Hills 119899, Moscow V-234, Russia
    Contact: Prof. Dr. A. BORISOV
    Tel.: +[7] (095) 9393181

  3. The Boreskov Institute of Catalysis
    Academy of Sciences of Russia, Seberian Branch
    Prospekt Akademika Lavrentieva, 5, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation
    Contact: Prof. Valentin N. PARMON
    Tel.: +[7] 3832352269
    Fax: +[7] 3832355756
    email: or


  1. Centro de Estudios de la Energia Solar

  2. Dept. Fisica Aplicada i Electron.
    University de Barcelona
    Avinguda Diagonal 647, E - 08028 Barcelona, Spain
    Contact: Dr. Jordi ANDREEU
    Tel.: +[34] (3) 4021-145
    Fax: +[34] (3) 4021-118


  1. Energy Technology Center, Pitea, Sweden

  2. Fysikalisk-Kemiska Institutionen
    Uppsala University
    Box 532, S - 75121 Uppsala, Sweden
    Contact: Prof. Dr. Sten-Eric LINDQUIST
    Tel.: +[46] (18) 859129147
    Fax: +[46] (18) 5008542


  1. Departement de chimie minerale analytique et appliquee
    Universite de Geneve
    Quai Ernest Ansermet 30, CH - 1211 Geneve 4, Switzerland
    Contact: Prof. Dr. J. AUGUSTINSKY
    Tel.: +[41] (22) 7026413
    Fax: +[41] (22) 7026830

  2. Institut de Chimie Physique II, Dept. de Chimie
    EPFL Ecublens, CH - 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
    Contact: Prof. Dr. Michael GRÄTZEL
    Tel.: +[41] 21 6933112
    Fax: +[41] 21 6930100

  3. Institut de Microtechnique IMT
    Universite de Neuchatel
    2, rue A.-L. Breguet, CH - 2000 Neuchatel, Switzerland
    Contact: Prof. Dr. Arvind V. SHAH
    Tel.: +[41] (38) 205121 or +[41] (38) 205465
    Fax: +[41] (38) 254276
    email: Arvind.Shah@IMT.UniNe.Ch
    Research interest: amorphous and micro crystalline silicon solar cells

  4. Paul Scherrer Institut
    CH - 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
    Contact: Dr. Ivo ALXNEIT
    Tel.: +[41] (56) 3104092
    Fax: +[41] (56) 3104413
    Research interest: Photochemistry at elevated temperatures

  5. The Calzaferri Research Group
    Inst. für anorganische & physikalische Chemie
    Universität Bern
    Freiestrasse 3, CH - 3000 Bern 9, Switzerland
    Group Leader: Prof. Dr. Gion CALZAFERRI
    Tel.: +[41] (31) 6314236; Fax: +[41] (31) 6313994
    Research interest: Photochemistry, Quantum Chemistry, Infrared/Raman and Luminescence Spectroscopy

The Netherlands

  1. Debey Institute
    Universiteit Utrecht
    Princetonplein 5, P.O.Box 80000, NL - 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands
    Contact: Dr. Ruud E. SCHROPP
    Tel.: +[31] (302) 533170 or +[31] (302) 533171
    Fax: +[31] (302) 543165
    Contact: Dr. Daniel VANMAEKELBERGH
    Tel.: +[31] (30) 2532218

  2. Department of Applied Inorganic Chemistry
    Delft University of Technology
    Julianalaan 136, NL - 2628 BL Delft, The Netherlands
    Contact: Dr. Albert GOOSSENS
    Tel.: +[31] (15) 784919
    Fax: +[31] (15) 788047

  3. Department of Molecular Physics
    Dreijenlaan 3, 6703 HA Wageningen, The Netherlands
    Contact: Prof. Dr. Tjeerd SCHAAFSMA
    Tel.: +[31] (317) 482044
    Fax: +[31] (317) 482725
    There are two main research topics:
    NMR: a. Structural NMR, combined with EPR and optical methods, of proteins and their interaction with DNA/RNA and membranes;
    b. Non-structural NMR: flow, diffusion, water status of whole plants, down to the cellular level.

    Photophysical processes of artificial photosynthesis, e.g. in "organic solar cells", studied by optical spectroscopy and magnetic resonance methods.
    Magnetic resonance and optical spectroscopy: EPR research spectrometer, ODMR (optical detected magnetic resonance at zero magnetic field), Ar+ / dye laser combinatin, NdYAG / dye pulse laser combination, time resolved fluorescence spectrometer, NMR spectrometers 20, 300, 500 MHz, fluorimeter, spectrophotometers.
    Spin coating machine, potentiostat for frequency dependent impedance spectroscopy, i/V equipment.

    List of publications

  4. Netherlands Energy Research Foundation ECN
    Westduinweg 3, NL - 1755 LE Petten
    P.O.Box 1, NL - 1755 ZG Petten
    Group Leader: Prof. W. C. Sinke
    Tel.: +[31] (224) 564058
    Fax: +[31] (224) 563214
    Research interest: multicrystalline silicon, CIS, organic, plastic solar cells

United Kingdom

  1. Centre Photomolecular Sciences
    Dept. of Biology
    Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2BB, Great Britain
    Contact: Prof. Lord George PORTER

  2. Department of Biochemistry
    Imperial College, The Old Vicarage, Grantchester, Cambridge CB3 9ND, Great Britain
    Contact: Dr. Mary ARCHER
    Tel.: +[44] (223) 840213
    Fax: +[44] (223) 842882

  3. Department of Engineering Materials
    University of Southampton
    Southampton S017 IBJ, U.K.
    Contact: Dr. T. MARKVART
    Tel.: +[44] (1703) 593783
    Fax: +[44] (1703) 593016

  4. Energy Research Unit, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

  5. Energy Systems Research Unit, University of Strathclyde

  6. Fac. of Methematical Studies
    University of Southampton
    Southampton S017 IBJ, U.K.
    Contact: Prof. Dr. Peter LANDSBERG
    Tel.: + [44] (1703) 593681

  7. School of Chemistry
    University of Bath
    Bath BA2 7AY, U. K.
    Contact: Prof. Dr. Laurie M. PETER



  1. Energy and the Environment , University of Oregon

  2. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

  3. Sandia National Laboratories

  4. Solar Energy Applications Laboratory, Colorado State University

  5. Solar Energy Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    This website includes detailed US insolation and other climate data, GIF files showing maps of US annual global and direct normal insolation.



  1. Hebei Chemical Engin. Inst. Photoelectrochemistry
    5 Yu Hua Road, Shijiazhuang 050018, China
    Contact: Dr. Guochang LI


  1. Dep. of Biomolecular Engineering
    Tokyo Institute of Technology
    Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 227, Japan
    Contact: Prof. Masamichi FUJIHIRA
    Tel.: +[81] (45) 9221111 / 2442
    Fax: +[81] (45) 9231069

  2. Department of Chemistry
    Fac. of Engineering Science, Osaka University
    Toyonaka, Osaka 560, Japan
    Contact: Prof. Dr. Yoshihiro NAKATO
    Tel.: +[81] (6) 8506235
    Fax: +[81] (6) 8506236



  1. Photoenergy Centre, Faculty of Science
    Ain Shams University
    Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt
    Contact: Prof. Dr. M. Sabri ABDEL-MOTTALEB



  1. ANUTECH - The Australian National University
    ANUTECH Solar and Renewable Energy Systems.

  2. CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation
    Division of Molecular Sciences
    Postal address:
    Private Bag 10, Clayton South MDC, Vic. 3169, Australia
    Ian Wark Laboratory, Bayview Avenue, Clayton

  3. The Australian National University

  4. Photovoltaics Special Research Centre
    University of New South Wales, School of Electrical Engineering
    Sydney NSW 2052, Australia
    Contact: Prof. Martin GREEN
    Tel.: +[61] (2) 3854018
    Fax: +[61] (2) 6624240

New Zealand

European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion