European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion

Recommended Scientific Books & Books of General Interest

Scientific Books
[Photovoltaics] [Photoelectrochemistry] [Photochemistry] [Solid State Physics] [Physical Chemistry]

1. Photovoltaics

Physik der Solarzellen (Physics of Solar Cells)
Peter Würfel
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Heidelberg . Berlin . Oxford, 2000
ISBN 3-8274-0598-X
2nd Edition, 196 Pages, 79 Figures, 9 Tables; German
English Edition:
Wiley - VCH, 2004
ISBN 3527-40428-7

Thin - Film Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells Physics and Technology
Rolf Brendel
Wiley - VCH, 2003
ISBN 3527-40376-0
203 pages, 182 figures, 19 tables; english

Amorphous Silicon Technology - 1995
Michael Hack, Eric A. Schiff, Arun Madan, Martin Powell, Akihisa Matsuda
Materials Research Society Symposium, Proceedings Volume 377
Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1995
ISBN 1-55899-280-4

Photovoltaik - Grundlagen und Anwendungen
H. - J. Lewerenz, H. Jungblut
Springer Verlag Berlin . Heidelberg 1995
ISBN 3-540-58539-7
371 Seiten, Deutsch

Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells - Technology and Systems Applications
A. Goetzberger, B. Voss, J. Knobloch
John Wiley & Sons 1998
ISBN 0471-97144-8
English (Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen)
This book describes the theoretical basis of photovoltaics in crystalline silicon in terms of semiconductor physics, device analysis, and measurement. Furthermore, it includes a short PV history overview, and aspects of solar radiation.
Deutsche Version:
Sonnenenergie: Photovoltaik Physik und Technologie der Solarzelle
A. Goetzberger, B. Voss, J. Knobloch
2. überarbeitete ubd erweiterte Auflage, B. G. Teubner, Stuttgart 1997
261 Seiten, 135 Abbildungen, Deutsch
ISBN 3-519-13214-1

High Efficiency Sillicon Solar Cells
Martin A. Green
Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 1987
ISBN 0-87849-537-1
239 Pages, 105 Figures, 11 Tables, 271 References, English

Materials Science for Solar Energy Conversion Systems (Renewable Energy Series)
C.G. Granqvist (Editor)
Published by Pergamon Press
Publication date: August 1991
ISBN 0-080-40937-7
1st Edition, Hardcover, English

Photovoltaic Conversion of Concentrated Sunlight
V. M. Andreev, V. A. Grilkhes, V. D. Rumyanstev
John Wiley & Sons 1997
ISBN 0471-96765-3

Semiconductors for Solar Cells
Hans Joachim Möller
Artech House, Boston - London, 1993
ISBN 0-89006-574-8
343 Pages, English
1. Introduction
2. Physical Principles of Photovoltaic Energy Conversion
3. Technology of Solar Cell Devices
4. Fundamental Material Parameters
5. Structural and Electrical Properties of Lattice Defects
6.Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Silicon
7. Single Crystal and Epitaxial Compound Semiconductors
8. Thin-Film Compound Semiconductors
9. Amorphous Thin-Film Semiconductors

Solar Electricity
Tomas Markvart (Editor)
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1994
ISBN 0-471-94161-1
200 pages, English

Solar Electricity - Engineering of Photovoltaic Systems
E.Lorenzo et al.
Progensa, Spain, 1994
ISBN 84-86505-55-0
380 pages

Solarzellen - Physikalische Grundlagen und Anwendungen in der Photovoltaik
Dieter Meissner (Editor)
Vieweg Verlag Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1993
ISBN 3-528-06518-4
274 Pages, 150 Figures, 57 Tables; German 

2. Photoelectrochemistry

Electrochemistry of Semiconductors and Electronics
John McHardy, Frank Ludwig (Eds.)
Noyes Publications, New Jersey, 1992
ISBN 0-8155-1301-1
359 Pages, English
Contributions from Giulio Di Giacomo, Robert C. De Mattei, Robert S. Feigelson, Ian D. Raistrick, R. David Rauh, Keshra Sangwal, Robert T. Talasek, Micha Tomkiewicz

K. Rajeshwar, L.M. Peter, A. Fujishima, D. Meissner, M Tomkiewich (Eds.)
Proceeding Volume 97-20, The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, N.J., USA, 1997
ISBN 1-56677-148-X

Semiconductor Micromachining, Fundamental Electrochemistry and Physics
Edited by S. A. Campbell and H. J. Lewerenz,
John Wiley & Sons 1997

Semiconductor Photoelectrochemistry
Yu. V. Pleskov, Yu. Ya. Gurevich
Consultants Bureau, New York and London, 1986
ISBN 0-306-10983-2
422 Pages, 795 References, English (Translated from russian) 

3. Photochemistry

Handbook of Organic Conductive Molecules and Polymers
H. S. Nalwa (Editor)
John Wiley & Sons, Sussex 1997
ISBN 0-471-96275-9

4. Solid State Physics

Chemical Physics of Nanostructured Devices
A. I. Kokorin, D. W. Bahnemann (Eds.)
VSP Brill Academic Publishers
ISBN 90-6764-382-3

Einführung in die Festkörperphysik
C. Kittel
R.Oldenburg Verlag, München - Wien, 1991
ISBN 3-486-22018-7

Recombination in Semionductors
Peter T. Landsberg
Cambridge University Press, 1991
ISBN 0-521-36122-2

Semiconductor devices, physics and technology
S. M. Sze
John Wiley & Sons, 1985
ISBN 0-471-87424-8

Survey of semiconductor physics: electrons and other particles in bulk semiconductors
Karl W. Böer
Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990
ISBN 0-442-23793-6

5. Physical Chemistry

Endoreversible Thermodynamics of Solar Energy Conversion
Alexis De Vos Published by Oxford Univ Press
Publication date: September 1, 1992
ISBN 0-198-51392-5
186 pages, Hardcover, English, Dimensions (in inches): 9.51 x 6.43 x 0.67

Physical Chemistry
Peter W. Atkins
VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim 1990
ISBN 3-527-25913-9
890 pages, German 

Books of General Interest

Solar Energy

Eine vergleichende Gesamtenergiebilanz für Photovoltaikmodule und Pflanzenöl - Blockheizkraftwerke
Martin Brautsch
Verlag "Solare Zukunft", Erlangen, 1997
ISBN 3-9802768-7-2
ca 200 Seiten, 111 Abbildungen, Deutsch

European Handbook on Photovoltaic System Technology
M. S. Imamura, P. Helm, and W. Palz
HS Stephens & Associates, Bedford, 1992
ISBN 0-9510271-9-0
566 pages

Examples of Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems
IEA International Energy Agency
James & James (Science Publishers), 1995
ISBN 1-873936-57-5
64 pages

Exploring Solar Energy, II : Activities in Solar Electricity
Allan Kaufman
Published by Prakken Pubn
Publication date: October 1995
ISBN 0-911-16889-3
Volume 2, Paperback

From Space to Earth: the story of solar electrictity
John Perlin
Published by aatec publications, P.O.Box 7119, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107, USA
Tel./Fax. +[1] (734) 995 1470
ISBN 0-937948-14-4 (alk. paper)
ISBN 0-937948-15-2 (pbk: alk. paper)

Generating Electricity from the Sun
F. C. Treble (Ed.)
Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1992
ISBN 0-08-040936-9
300 pages

Photovoltaic Engineering Handbook
F. Lasnier and T. G. Ang
Institute of Physics, Bristol, UK, 1990
ISBN 0-85274-311-4
488 pages

Photovoltaics - A Market Overwiev
A. Derick, R. W. Barlow, B. McNelis, and J. A. Gregory
James & James (Science Publishers) London, 1993
ISBN 1-873936-19-2
120 pages

Stromquelle Tageslicht (Solarzellen für Mitteleuropa)
Albin Schwarz & Karl Heinz Schnuer
1987 Orac GesmbH&Co KG
ISBN 3-7015-0091-6

Energy Politics

Nachhaltiges Deutschland. Wege zu einer dauerhaftumweltgerechten Entwicklung
Umweltbundesamt Deutschland
Erich Schmidt, berlin 1997
ISBN 3-503-04301-2
356 Seiten, Deutsch

Sonnen - Strategien Politik ohne Alternative
Herman Scheer
Serie Piper, München 1995.
ISBN 3-492-12135-7
303 Seiten, 208 Referenzen, Deutsch
From the backcover of the book:
Als Politiker setzt sich Herman Scheer seit Jahren für die Nutzung der Sonnenenergie ein. Die Ignoranz ihr gegenüber ist für Scheer ein "politisches Jahrhundertversäumnis". Dem "Weltkrieg gegen die Natur" stellt er eine politische Sonnen-Strategie entgegen, die langfristig auf die völlige Ablösung atomarer und fossiler Energie durch Sonnenenergie setzt. In diesem Buch entwickelt Scheer dafür konkrete Handlungskonzepte.

Sun Power : The Global Solution for the Coming Energy Crisis

Greenhouse Warming

Greenhouse Warming - The Green Peace Report
Jeremy Leggett (Editor)
Oxford University Press, Oxford 1990
ISBN 0-19-217781-8 ISBN 0-19-286119-0 pbk (paperback)
554 pages, 19 chapters, English
with contributions by Birgit Bodlund, Anne Ehrlich, Susan George, Jose Goldemberg, Andrew Haines, Brian Huntley, Thomas Johansson, Tomas Karlsson, Bill Keepin, Mick Kelly, Carlo LaPorta, Jeremy Leggett (Ed.), Amory Lovins, Evan Mills, Norman Myers, Kilaparti Ramakrishna, David Schimel, Stephen Schneider, Michael Walsh, George Woodwell;
From the backside of the book-cover:

How should we respond to the greenhouse threat ?
The great majority of the world's climate scientists have no doubts about the reality of global warming if nothing is done to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Yet so far governments have been reluctant to act.
The Greenpeace Report, written by leading scientists and energy analysts from around the world, explains the scientific data and assesses its implications. Commissioned as a shadow document to the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the report outlines the urgent measures that the policy-makers ought to be asking our governments to adopt if we are to escape what could be the most serious threat our planet has ever faced.


Umwelt Report Österreich
Werner Katzmann und Heinrich Schrom (Eds.)
Kremayr & Scheriau, Wien 1986
ISBN 3-218-00401-2
390 Seiten, 16 Kapitel, deutsch
with contributions by P. Blau (Politik), K. Farasin (Lärm), G. Frauerwieser (Umweltchemie, Chemikalienliste), J. Gepp (Tierwelt), E. Kasperowski (Boden), W. Katzmann (Tschernobyl), B. Lötsch (Stadtökologie), K. H. Maly (Umweltchemie, Chemikalienliste), L. Maurer (Landwirtschaft), D. Roelfs (Umweltrecht), W. Scharf (Abfall), H. Scheiring (Wald), H.Schrom (Landschaft), A. Schwarz (Energie), P. Weish (Energie, Tschernobyl)

European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion