European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion

QUANTSOL 2025 Winter workshop

Hotel Rauriser Hof / Mesnerhaus, Rauris, Austria, March 23-29, 2025

The European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion announces the 35th Workshop on Quantum Solar Energy Conversion (QUANTSOL 2025 Winter workshop) and invites experts in the various fields of conversion of solar photons to electrical or chemical energy to submit short abstracts to enable the organizing committee to define the workshop program.

The workshop will focus on new concepts, recent developments, radical ideas, and unsolved problems in the fundamentals of conventional and unconventional photovoltaic, photoelectrochemical, photochemical and photobiological energy conversion.
The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 40 participants, in order to guarantee the opportunity for intense discussions on quantum solar energy conversion between experts from various fields.

Conference Location :
As in 2023 and 2024, the workshop will take place in the Mesnerhaus in Rauris, about 5 min walk from the Hotel Rauriser Hof:

The Quantsol 2025 Workshop will be organized by

Conference Chair : Ellen Moons (Karlstads Universitet, SE)

Norbert Koch, (Humboldt Universität Berlin, DE)

Christian Königstein (Secretary General, AT)

Conference Hotel : Hotel Rauriser Hof, Rauris, Österreich

Prices per person per day,
including half board (breakfast & dinner):

single room* € 132,-

(shared) double room* € 132,-
* excl. Kurtaxe (approx. 2 euros per person per night)

Main Topics :

  • Organic (polymer and small molecule) solar cells: advances in materials, processing, device concepts, and fundamental understanding 
  • (Hybrid) metal halide perovskite solar cells: advances in materials, processing, device concepts, and fundamental understanding 
  • Inorganic semiconductor solar cells: advances in materials, processing, device concepts, and fundamental understanding 
  • Photochemical, photo-biological (artificial photosynthesis) and photo-electrochemical conversion of solar energy, e.g. photo electrochemical water splitting
  • Novel photovoltaic materials, including molecular, nano-structured and composite materials
  • Physics and chemistry of interfaces in solar energy materials
  • Novel approaches and methods for characterizing materials and devices
  • Optical and electrical means to optimize the output of cells, devices and systems
  • Theoretical aspects of quantum solar energy conversion and thermodynamic limits

The timetable / program will be published about two weeks before the workshop

Short Abstract :
Please send your short abstract (half a page) outlining the content of your intended contribution to Christian Königstein.

Conference fees :

Workshop participants € 400,-
QUANTSOL members € 170,-
Accompanying persons no fee

Timetable / Deadlines :

July 15, 2024 Distribution of first circular - Call for short abstracts
October 31, 2024 Deadline for submission of short abstracts
November 30, 2024 Notification of accepted contributions
January 31, 2025 Deadline for extended summary (two pages; for the on-line proceedings)
January 31, 2025 Deadline for Hotel Reservation
March 23-29, 2025 Quantsol 2025 Workshop

Hotel Reservation
The hotel reservation has to be done directly with the hotel Rauriser Hof.

How to reach the Hotel
By train: via Salzburg, the nearest train station is "Taxenbach", see Österreichische Bundesbahn. The hotel will pick you up at the train station (Taxenbach), if you notify them in advance (charges my apply).

Nearest airports / airfields are :
LOWS (Salzburg) - Instrument approach: RWY 15: ILS; RWY33: RNAV VISUAL
For more information contact Salzburg airport:


LOWZ (Zell am See) - VFR and since recently also RNAV cat A/B - GNSS (GPS precision approach):
Further aviation information (by Austrocontrol): AIP Austria

Last updated 17. May 2024
European Society for Quantum Solar Energy Conversion