Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Quantum Solar Energy Conversion - (QUANTSOL'98)
March 14-19, 1999, Wildhaus, Switzerland

Silver Chloride Clusters and Surface States

Stephan Glaus, David Schürch and Gion Calzaferri

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Bern
Freiestrasse 3, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland

Silver chloride has been investigated intensively since the invention of photography on paper by Henry Fox Talbot around 1834. His light sensitive papers were made by first soaking in sodium chloride and then brushing with an excess of silver nitrate solution. The key to success was the observation that the paper was more sensitive to light if there was a deficiency of NaCl. Other essential observations made by Talbot were that the paper could be stabilized by washing it with a large excess of NaCl and that it could be sensitized by moderate illumination. We have made similar observations about 160 years later when studying the ability of Ag+ containing systems to photo-oxidize water to oxygen under conditions of a Cl- deficiency. There are good reasons to assume that the first photographic papers of Talbot were based on the ability of silver chloride to oxidize water to O2 in presence of an excess of Ag+. We recently reported sustained photo catalytic oxidation of water to O2 on AgCl layers on SnO2:F-coated glass plates modified with a very thin gold layer.[] The AgCl layer acts as a photo catalyst in the presence of a small excess of Ag+ ions with a maximum O2 evolution rate at pH 4-5.5. The light sensitivity is due to self-sensitation caused by reduced silver species. A system that has never been exposed to light is insensitive to the visible part of the spectrum: After it has once been irradiated in the near UV it becomes sensitive and is capable to photo-oxidize water in the whole visible range with a lower limit at 600 to 700 nm. The photo catalytic water oxidation can be expressed as follows:



We show in Figure 1 an experimental result obtained in a flow system where the produced oxygen was continuously removed by a nitrogen stream as an example. The turnover number for O2 evolution with respect to the total amount of AgCl after 44h when the experiment was stopped was 11 and it is obvious that much larger turnover numbers can be achieved. The photo current (2) in these experiments is of reverse sign with respect to what has been known as Bequerel type photo current. It is well known that very compact or single crystal AgCl materials are hardly light sensitive. Pronounced light sensitivity is observed, however, for AgCl materials with a large surface. Such materials can e.g. be prepared by precipitation or by electrochemical techniques.[1]

Scheme 1

While the electronic structure of AgCl crystals has been investigated in detail and can be considered as being well understood, little is known about the electronic structure of AgCl layers, clusters and surfaces. A theoretical study of AgCl clusters at relevant size is still missing. A reason for this is the fast growing number of atoms in such clusters as illustrated in Scheme 1 for cubic (AgCl)n clusters. Nevertheless calculating such systems and especially trying to extract relevant information from the resulting vast amount of numbers is challenging.
Questions relevant for improving our understanding of the chemical and photochemical properties of silver chloride nano- and microcrystals are: i) How large must a cluster be that the inner atoms can be regarded as bulk atoms? ii) How do the surface atoms differ from the inner atoms? iii) What is the difference between atoms on the corner, the edge and the plain? iv) what happens if a water molecule or a solvated Ag+ ion is adsorbed on the AgCl cluster surface? v) Of what type are the first electronic transitions of such clusters, how large is their oscillator strength and how are they influenced by adsorbed silver cations?
In order to find an answer to these questions we have carried out molecular orbital calculation of EHMO type on the cubic clusters shown in Scheme 1. The surface states were analyzed by comparison with an extended AgCl crystal. It turned out that (AgCl)108 was sufficiently large for studying adsorption of a H2O molecule and of an Ag+(H2O)2 complex. The results presented provide an understanding for the observations that small AgCl crystals with their correspondingly large surface area behave so differently with respect to very compact or single crystal AgCl materials.

Scheme 2

Manuscript submitted for publication.

[1] Lanz, M.; Schürch, D.; Calzaferri, G. J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem. in press


Last updated April 6, 1999