Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Quantum Solar Energy Conversion - (QUANTSOL'98)
March 14-19, 1999, Wildhaus, Switzerland

Charge carrier transport in nanostructured TiO2 anatase films and their photoreactivity

J. Augustynski, A. Wahl, R. Morand

Department of Chemistry, University of Geneva
1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland.

Photoelectrochemical properties of mesoporous colloidal anatase films continue to attract large attention in connection with their potential application in liquid-junction photovoltaic cells and/or in the field of water and air decontamination. The current understanding of the charge transport phenomena occurring in nano-structured semiconductor films filled with an electrolyte is largely influenced by the photoelectrochemical characteristics of particulate CdS and CdSe films reported by Hodes et al. [ 1]. However, while the so-called " electron diffusion model " [ 2] apparently accounts correctly for the observed behavior of the CdS and CdSe networks, it is clearly inadequate to describe the essential features of nanosized anatase TiO2 films.
Careful measurements, performed using the anatase films of various thicknesses subjected to the bandgap illumination in the presence of a number of redox couples in the solution, showed that none of the predictions of the electron diffusion model is, in fact, fulfilled by this system [ 3]. While, according to the latter model, the quantum efficiency of the photocurrent is expected to decrease with increasing film thickness - exceeding the penetration depth of the incident light, concomitant with a red shift of the maximum photoresponse, the actual spectral photoresponse of the nanostructured anatase films is observed to exhibit a maximum at ca. 300 nm, irrespective the film thickness, with the photocurrents increasing in parallel with the film thickness till ca 10 m m. In other terms, the quantum yield reaches a maximum under conditions where the film thickness exceeds by two-three orders of magnitude the optical penetration depth.
In addition, even very thick (> 40 m m) anatase films, in contact with solutions containing efficient hole scavengers (such as organic acids, alcohols etc.) still exhibit excellent photocurrent-voltage characteristics indicative of small resistance losses.
To explain the peculiar behavior of nanostructured anatase TiO2 films, both under the bandgap UV illumination and in the dye-sensitized configuration, under white light illumination, the self-doping, occurring at the initial stages of the photocurrent flow across the film, is proposed. The transient charging of the film continues till the critical electron concentration in the donor level of anatase (ca 1019 cm-3) - allowing the insulator-metal (Mott) transition [4] - is reached. This transition is accompanied by an important increase in the electrical conductivity of anatase. The proposed mechanism of self-doping constitutes an unique feature of nano-porous semiconductor networks, penetrated by the electrolyte, which offer the possibility of excess charge compensation by an adjustment of the cation concentration in the Helmhotz layer. Due to their high surface to volume ratio, the increase of the surface concentration of cations required to compensate a 1019 cm-3 excess of electrons within the nanoparticles remains quite small.
Such an explanation is consistent with the observation that the photocurrent-voltage characteristics of the nanostructured anatase electrodes are practically unaffected by the thickness of the films being employed. High quantum yields of the photocurrent observed for the films illuminated with short wavelengths of the incident light (characterized by large absorption coefficients) support equally the view that the charge recombination takes place principally within and close to the illuminated portion of the film

(1) G. Hodes, I.D.J. Howell, L.M. Peter. J. Electrochem. Soc. 139: 3136-3140 (1992).
(2) S. Södergren, A. Hagfeldt, J. Olsson, S.E. Lindquist. J. Phys. Chem. 98: 5552-5556 (1994).
(3) A. Wahl and J. Augustynski, J.Phys.Chem.B, 102: 7820 (1998).
(4) H. Tang, K. Prasad, R. Sanjinés, P.E. Schmid, F. Lévy. J.Appl. Phys. 75: 2042-2047, (1994).

This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation.


Last updated March 26, 1999